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Promoting your zest for an example of people that allows delegates to place tables and other dating business. Now, in mountain view? Lining Learn More Here plans in your town. Do you remember the first collection and how would you rate it today? The beginnings were similar to my beginnings with interior design. In retrospect it is unbelievable how, from one collection made literally on the living room floor, it could grow into what Kura is today.
My first collection was sewn from tracksuit material and had 5 simple minimalist models. How would you define your creative style? Hard to say. My style definitely has some common features, but it often varies too. Sometimes I feel like doing. Protifašistických bojovníkov 11, Košice-Staré Mesto Aupark Tower - Medicínske Centrum, 4. poschodie Aupark Tower- Medical Centre, 4th floor.
sk info stomatologiaaupark. Modern equipment and top services. something with black minimalism and unusual geometric lines, sometimes I feel like colour printing and writing. At the moment I like having fabric made with designed prints and making a complete collection from it. How is the brand doing today and what plans do you have for the future?
I cannot imagine what more we could have done to build the brand. I try to move us forward and maintain quality. So that our models are not just for one season. Do you also receive feedback on your models? I most fully appreciate the feedback from customers full of enthusiasm. That happens to us, thankfully, quite frequently.
I am delighted that we have many regular customers who, as they say themselves, slowly but surely are becoming Kura maniacs and for example have far more of our clothes than I do. Do any public figures wear your clothes?
There are couple who do, certainly, though we do not use celebrities to advertise our clothing. Sometimes a normal woman can bring us more customers than some influencer who is doing it as a job. Which of your successes are you most proud of? In life however, I am most proud of my children and family. They say that your only marketing tool is Instagram Yes, percent. Why Instagram? Do you watch what interests your followers? I honestly do not even know why I have become interesting to people and why I have increased the number of followers. First, Instagram is not reality.
But I live a completely normal life, which I like to present. First of all, you need to be yourself. What is your relationship to travel? I love travelling, in fact I need it for my work. From time to time I need to get away for a few days and draw inspiration. My best ideas always come to mind when travelling. Do you also have a favourite destination? Certainly Italy.
I love the Italian way of life, mentality, history and prosecco. Recently however, we were in Barcelona and I was impressed How do you most like to relax? What motivates you at work? I was really scared, but so far it has exceeded my expectations and it is because I love my job. I feel like that for few hours and then I start to create something.
You are a proud local businessperson. Do not you think that you might flourish even more elsewhere? Many people ask me this question, but I would never leave Kosice.
My home is here and I am happy here. Since today there are couriers, I can do business my whole life equally well in Košice or Bratislava. Do you have any life motto that you follow? Viva la Vida by Frida Kahlo and I stick to it thoroughly.
Vidno to najmä u starších ľudí a na vidieku. Ľudia sú pohostinní na základe múdrosti Gość w dom, Bóg w dom Hosť v dome, Boh v dome. Poľsko je veľmi zaujímavou krajinou, pretože každý si pri návšteve nájde to svoje - máme hory, vysočiny, nížiny, more, rieky, jazerá… Stráviť čas v Poľsku je možné všelijako v závislosti od ročného obdobia. V zime sa radi venujeme zimným športom v destináciách ako Zakopané, Karpacz alebo Białka Tatrzańska.
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Očarujúcim je aj región Mazury s množstvom jazier, krásnou prírodou a výhľadmi. Ja milujem hory a odporúčam navštíviť krásne miesto v Tatrách - Morskie Oko. Je to jazero obklopené horami, rastlinami a vyzerá to tam ako v rozprávke. Poľsko má veľa zaujímavých a krásnych miest. Každé je iné, s vlastnou históriou a historickými budovami, múzeami, pamiatkami, námestiami Určite musíte vidieť Varšavu, Vroclav, Krakov, Gdansk, Toruň - najznámejšie a najväčšie mestá.
Stojí za to navštíviť aj menšie mestá, ktoré sú krásne a zaujímavé - Zamość, Olsztyn, Sandomierz, Kazimierz Dolny, Pułtusk. Odporučiť musím aj Oświęcim.
Nie je to príliš veľké mesto, ale je v ňom Auschwitz-Birkenau bývalý nacistický koncentračný tábor , ktorý ročne navštívia milióny turistov z celého sveta. Toto je veľmi dôležité miesto pre každý národ z dôvodu jeho historického významu. V Poľsku nájdete veľa zábavných atrakcií: zábavné parky, najznámejší je Energylandia, aquaparky a čoskoro budeme mať aj najväčší tropický aquapark v Poľsku a Európe.