Môžete sa s nami vybrať na poldňový, celodenný, či dvojdňový výlet alebo si požičať bicykel či kolobežku. Čítajte ďalej. Celoročne máme v prevádzke požičovňu pre dospelých a deti: mestské a horské bicykle, kolobežky, trojkolky pre deti, kolieskové korčule, trekingové palice, invalidný vozíček, rolátor. V našej kancelárii máme k dispozícii aj prilby, zámky a cyklomapy. Ukážu Vám najpútavejšie zaujímavosti na Slovensku, ako aj v blízkom i vzdialenom zahraničí mestá, hrady, zámky, múzeá, jaskyne, skanzeny. S nami sa môžete oboznámiť s pamiatkami Viedne, Budapešti, Prahy, Krakowa, Salzburgu alebo Košíc, spoznať Benátky, Ľubľanu, Dublin, Madeiru, Lisabon, Cyprus, Libanon, Izrael, Austráliu, New York, Toronto, Niagarské vodopády, Rio de Janeiro, Dolomity a mnohé iné destinácie, ktoré sme niekoľkokrát navštívili.
S naším jazykovým vybavením je návšteva každej destinácie nezabudnuteľným zážitkom. Cestovná agentúra IVCO TRAVEL, s. Nálepkova 2 oproti hotela Magnólia 01 Piešťany. Zobraziť mapu. Otváracie hodiny: Pondelok — piatok — Sobota — Meno a priezvisko. Telefónne číslo.
The valley is open to the south, and thus has a warm and sunny temperate climate. Most of the town is located on the right bank of the river. South of the town is the Sĺňava water reservoir created by a dam on the Váh river.
Piešťany. Oficiálna stránka mesta Piešťany ℹ️FB: oficiálna stránka Mesto Piešťany ➡️pripojte sa k nám a označujte vaše @ Hľadáte prácu? Aktuálne ponuky práce Piešťany, personálne agentúry. Nájdite si prácu ešte dnes. Voľné pracovné miesta a ponuky Piešťany, personálne
The artificial canal Biskupický kanál and the main river branch join in the town. Another short branch of the river Obtokové rameno creates the Spa Island. The hills of Považský Inovec are mostly covered with deciduous forests.
These consist of oak and hornbeam in the lower elevations, and beech in the higher elevations. The Váh valley is used for agriculture.
The main products are cereals, sugar beet, animal feed, and pork. Piešťany is located 75 kilometres 47 miles north-east of Bratislava , the capital of Slovakia, and 30 km 19 mi north-east of the local regional seat Trnava. Upstream from Piešťany on the Váh river are the towns Nové Mesto nad Váhom 19 km 12 mi north of Piešťany and Trenčín 40 km 25 mi north-east ; 17 km 11 mi downstream is Hlohovec.
Piešťany is located on the route of the D1 motorway from Bratislava to Žilina with connections to Vienna and Brno. The main railway route from Bratislava to Žilina and Košice also goes through the town.
The town has an airport , mostly used for international charter flights for spa clients 10, passengers in The municipality operates a local public transport system with 11 bus routes as of [update]. Because of frequent floods in the past, most buildings are dated to the 19th and 20th century. The most notable exception are the ruins of a medieval monastery from the 13th century. The Napoleon Spa is a complex of Neoclassicist spa buildings built between and The Kolonádový most bridge, constructed by Emil Belluš in —33, is a preeminent functionalist construction with many precious art objects.
The Piešťany spa has a capacity of two thousand beds as of [update] and treats over forty thousand patients a year. The spa specializes in treatment of chronic rheumatic and arthritic diseases and post-accident lesions of joints and bones. The spa is located on the Spa Island between two branches of the Váh river, at the site of several hot springs with temperatures of 67—69 °C — °F. The water originates in a tectonic break at 2, metres 6, feet depth.
The sulfate — carbonate water from the springs is used in pools and tubs. Sulfurous mud extracted from the bed of a side channel of the river is also used for treatment in the form of thermal mud pools with temperature 39 °C °F and for partial and full body packs. Spring water and mud therapy is complemented by electrotherapy , exercise, massage, medication, and diet.
The spa is operated by the company Slovenské liečebné kúpele. The company was purchased in by Danubius Hotels Group. A small share is owned by the town. Danubius Hotels Group also owns hotels in Hungary , Mariánské Lázně spa in Czech Republic and Sovata spa in Romania.
According to the census , the town had 30, inhabitants. One of important employers in the city during the communist era was the Czechoslovak electronics maker Tesla Piešťany. It closed down in and in its factories were acquired by ON Semiconductor , a former subsidiary of Motorola [1]. However, the company closed down its Pieštany manufacturing unit in and moved production to Belgium [2] [3] , keeping a small customer support centre in the town. Delipro, s. Other important employers in the town include Slovak headquarters of financial services company Home Credit Slovakia [5] , and cosmetics distributor Nachema Group [6] [7].
Technický skúšobný ústav Piešťany, š.
is an independent certification, testing and inspection body for conformity assessment of machinery and construction products and consumer goods. The town is known in Slovakia for its rich cultural programme throughout the year. In the summer tourist season, the town hosts several cultural events. Both opening in June and closing in September of the summer spa season is connected with big street festivals.
An annual summer classical music festival, Piešťany Music Festival, established in , takes place in the House of Arts of Piešťany.
This venue, with a seating capacity of , is currently the largest cinema hall in Slovakia and also offers other concerts and theatre shows. Country Lodenica is a festival of folk and country music established in It takes place south of the town, on the shores of Sĺňava water reservoir. Since s, various festivals were held at Piešťany Airport , among others second largest music festival in Slovakia - GrapeFestival , rock-centered Topfest, electronic music-focused BeeFree or Hodokvas.
ÚNMS SR a organizácie Úrad pre normalizáciu, metrológiu a skúšobníctvo SR Slovenský ústav technickej normalizácie Slovenská národná akreditačná služba Slovenský metrologický ústav Slovenský metrologický inšpektorát Slovenská legálna metrológia Technický skúšobný ústav Piešťany. SK EN RU. Úvod Spoločnosť O nás Vízia - stratégia - politika kvality História skúšobne Aktuality Ankety Dotazník spokojnosti zákazníka Povinné zverejňovanie Kariéra v TSÚ Ochrana osobných údajov GDPR Protikorupčný program TSÚ Kompetencie Ponuka služieb Certifikácia Skúšobníctvo Metrológia Overovanie bezpečnosti technických zariadení - OPO Ostatné služby Program podujatí Certifikáty stavebných výrobkov Na stiahnutie Žiadosti Žiadosti pre výherné prístroje Informácie Výročná správa Prospekty Blog Blog P.
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