Located in the center of Bytca town and m from the Bytca Castle areal consisting of renaissance Wedding Palace and other buildings, Apartmány Bytča offers a self-catered accommodation with a free WiFi available in the entire property.
DH tímu a tam mi sľúbili, že mi požičajú zjazdový bike. Overcast clouds. Štart trate sa nachádza vo výške m. Prejdete popod nadchod pre lesných chodcov, pretože sa tu trať križuje s turistickým chodníkom a na tomto mieste už tušíme, že sa ide opäť do kamienkov Pred akciou odporúčame poistenie v niektorej z komerčných poisťovní.
Visitors of north-western Slovakia often go to see the manor house in Bytča, the product of the Renaissance architecture. It is one of the few Renaissance manor houses in Slovakia, which kept its original appearance free from any alterations or modifications. The Považský hrad Castle towers on the steep mountain on the right bank of the Váh river. It was built in the second half of the 13th century and its mission was to protect the trade route passing by it. Peacefully situated in the Povazske Podhradie area of Povazska Bystrica, Podhradie Hotel offers bright and cosy rooms with LCD satellite TVs, minibars and free wired internet.
Offering a ski-to-door access, Horský hotel Hájenka is situated in Makov, 46 km from Wisła. The hotel has a barbecue and children's playground, and guests can enjoy a drink at the bar. Free private parking is available on site. Javorník ridge is a picturesque area on the border between Slovakia and the Czech Republic. At the deforested area of the main ridge of Javorníky stretches a flat top "Stratenec". It is surrounded by a distinctive Wallachian landscape with scattered settlements, meadows, pastures and forests.
Javorníky mountains are surrounded by a lovely nature. Climb up the observation tower Stratenec and praise the artist who created this beautiful place. The hotel offers accommodation, a restaurant, lounges, a wine cellar, a wellness center and a summer terrace. Only the most sensitive ears of the poetic soul of the Rangers can capture the melodic melody of rare fauna and flora forever locked between high steep rocky walls.
In the closest places of wild and romantic beauty, the narrowest canyon in Slovakia, barely five friends or a car ride in the shoulder The youngest Slovak spa Nimnica is situated between the towns of Považská Bystrica and Púchov in the north-west of Slovakia. Najstarší a najmohutnejší brest hrabolistý v strednej Európe, ktorý má takmer rokov, sa nachádza v obci Makov, v osade U Papaji. Unikátny exemplár brestu hrabolistého Ulmus carpinifolia sa vyznačuje nielen vekom, ale aj neobvyklou mohutnosťou.
Obvod kmeňa vo výške cm je cm a pri koreni viac ako 11 metrov. Výška je asi 30 m.
You are looking for a booking, hotel, guesthouse, a nice hotel room, or a superior apartment in Považská Bystrica. You are at the right address. Short-term and long-term accommodation in twenty rooms and four suites. There is a whirlpool, two meeting rooms with dataprojection and a capacity of 50 seats. Milovníci rýchlych motoriek majú v ostatných rokoch veľa príležitostí prezrieť si ich najnovšie modely. Iba málo nadšencov však vie, že čarom unikátnych starších modelov slovenskej výroby sa dá pokochať v Považskej Bystrici.
V tamojšom Vlastivednom múzeu tvoria spoločne s prírodovednými exponátmi ťažisko expozície. Featuring free WiFi, Koliba Pod Skalami offers accommodation in Súľov-Hradná. Martin is 27 km away. The Súľovské skaly rocks forming an attractive rock town are situated in the north-west of Slovakia, only several kilometres from Žilina.
Interesting landforms in form of rock towers, needles, windows and gates separated by deep waterless gorges, ravines and valleys are the results of action of rain, ice, and wind, in other words — chemical and mechanical weathering. The so-called Púchov Rock was in the past a majestic limestone formation scattered with large cracks in several parts. His picturesque shape reminded the contemporary of the great Hussy liver, or even the imperial Mary Terézia, in the company of her court councilor VA Kounica. Nowadays, rock has a different shape since the stone has been mined, it is significantly smaller.
West of Žilina near the Váh river, the ruins of what was originally the Romanesque Hričovský hrad Castle exist. It is one of the oldest castles in the middle part of the region of Považie. Sagittarius in the protection of saints It is located in Púchov on the Square of Freedom.
In front of him, the statue of St. John Nepomuk will be welcomed in , surrounded by four lions. Many years ago, in the early 19th century, an observation tower was standing on Tlstá hora. Apart from tourist purposes the tower also served for military and surveying purposes.
The tower stood tall and served its purpose well. It also survived two world wars and left behind a story that is still present in the memory of local people and passed down from generation to generation. Today there is a new observation tower on Tlstá hora. It was not built for military purposes but rather for tired hikers to enjoy a nice view of the beauties of Púchov valley.
You will feel excited even without a wallachian hat. V pohorí Javorníkov a Turzovskej vrchoviny leží najzápadnejšia kysucká obec - Makov. Vznikla spojením častí siedmich dedín v roku Obec je hornatá, má výborné podmienky pre turistiku a cestovný ruch.
Najvyšším bodom je Veľký Javorník m. Práve v Makove v Prírodnej rezervácii Hričovec pod vrchom Hričovec 1 m. m , pramení rieka Kysuca. Každý z nás sníval o tom, aké by to bolo byť niekým.
Keď prekonali jej hranice prišli nové otázky. O tom, čo všetko sa nachádza v kozmickom priestore, ako vznikol. Zistenie odpovedí je dosť vyčerpávajúce a časovo náročné.
Oveľa jednoduchšie je prísť do Kysuckej hvezdárne v Kysuckom Novom Meste, ktorá je pobočkou Krajskej hvezdárne v Žiline. Miesto, ktoré je rajom pre milovníkov hviezdnej oblohy a nadšencov neznámeho. The hotel has a sun terrace and sauna, and guests can enjoy a drink at the bar.
Free private parking is available on site. You can bathe in the Laura thermal spa in two swimming pools, from which one is for the children. The water temperature is 20 - 26oC. The area also offers mini-golf, beach volley, restaurants and snack bars with fast food.
A parking lot is nearby. Reštaurácia Rybárska bašta sa nachádza v atraktívnom prostredí, na ostrovčeku uprostred kúpeľného jazierka. Reštaurácia sa nachádza v tichej lokalite Rajeckých Teplíc oproti hotelu Diplomat, v blízkosti centra mesta a kúpeľov. Okrem samotnej reštaurácie je hosťom k dispozícii aj upravený areál záhrady s detským kútikom, altánkom a pódiom slúžiacim pre kultúrno-spoločenské akcie a svadobné obrady. Navštívte štýlovú antickú kaviareň priamo v kúpeľnom dome Aphrodite a vychutnejte si exotické druhy káv, miešané alkoholické alebo nealkoholické nápoje.
Hosťom ponúkame možnosť usporiadania spoločenských akcií. The Aphrodite Spa Rajecké Teplice is situated amid the scenic natural surroundings of the Malá Fatra and Strážovské Hills. The Spa offers healing thermal water with a temperature of 38°C, whose beneficial effects have been known since the fourteenth century.