Výborná organizace a prostředí. S přítelkyní spolu budeme tento měsíc půl roku. Určitě doporučuji. Dobrý večer pane Žwaku, Váš Seznamovací večer byl úžasný.
Organizace večera i prostředí, kde se konal, neměla chybičku :- Moje kamarádka ani v nejmenším nepřeháněla, když chválila Vaši akci. Přeji Vám další úspěšné působení v Seznamovacích večerech :- Hezký večer Jaroslava Š. Celý večer byl velmi příjemný a určitě doporučuji vyzkoušet. Přiznám se, že jsem nic moc neočekávala, ale o to víc jsem byla mile překvapena. Na této akci potkáte mnoho fajn lidí a získáte alespoň nové přátele. Dostala jsem jako dárek a byla jsem překvapená, že něco takového v Praze funguje. Líbil se mi přístup moderátorů. S některými partnery bych si dokázala povídat i déle.
Uvažuji, že přijdu znovu:. Speed Date Prague Events Archives Senior speed dating. Senior speed dating Monday February, from 17 hodin Bridge Restaurant, Praha 1. More information about event. See More. The project focuses on two circles of activities. We will prepare many interesting activities such as worksheets, competitions, presentations or workshops as part of the educational part.
Teaching materials will focus on regional source management, waste reduction or alternative energy sources. Many external experts and lecturers from practice, university or regional development organizations will cooperate with us. At the same time, we will also contribute to the implementation of specific technical measures with a positive impact on climate. In our school we will build an external ecological classroom and solar lighting of the campus and workshops of practical teaching.
Spojená škola v Detve 18 hrs ·. Institute for Economic and Social Reforms INEKO updated the quality ranking of high schools in Slovakia. United School - Detva Commercial Academy in Detva has been placed in a common second place among all secondary schools in the Banská Bystrica self-governing region. She ranks third in the order that included high school.
Our school has reached a coefficient of 7,4, so that we maintain our school evaluation with excellent student results for a long time. We are the only high school in the district with such results. She ranks th in the nationwide ranking of secondary schools. School evaluation was complex and included the whole spectrum of educational field: graduation, pedagogical choir, participation in competitions, unemployment of graduates, inspection results, college admission, added value or extraordinary results.
Our school achieved the best results in Extraordinary Results Assessment 8,7 in Alumni Unemployment 8,1. We are proud of these results, which are awards of quality work and an important motivation to continue it. Spojená škola v Detve 19 hrs ·. Spojená škola v Detve Yesterday at AM ·.
The drugstore is being filled and brought into the containers, so that unnecessary waste does not result. Eco Katruška. We applied for a grant under the program of the V ÚB Foundation. In cooperation with the civic association ZvieratkovoSk O. From the.
The shelter got an old unimobell, which needs to be repaired and then insulated. Together with volunteers from the region, we will reconstruct the roof with the help of material wood, metal purchased as part of the project. Students of the United School in Detva will participate in the implementation of the project, who will organize other accompanying events between primary school students, in cooperating companies and among the general public.
V dnešnej uponáhľanej dobe nemáme dostatok príležitostí na zoznamovanie. RIMAVSKÁ SOBOTA — Upozorňujeme na zneužitie pečiatok. Navyše, takéto randenie je časovovo veľmi efektívne. Určitě doporučuji. Prvé stretnutie sa uskutoční v piatok Účastnikov usadíme k stolom, jeden na jedného a rýchle rande môže začať. Člověk má možnost během jednoho večera poznat spoustu skvělých lidí.
In addition to improving animal conditions, the project aims to improve the relationship between people and animals and motivate them to volunteer. OZ Zvieratkovosk. Spojená škola v Detve February 11 at AM ·. Dvaja mládežnícki delegáti SR pri OSN sa zúčastnili virtuálneho stretnutia, kde diskutovali o udržateľnosti ako aj o digitálnych technológiách. Pracovné stretnutie mládežníckych delegátov pri OSN Ministerstvo školstva, vedy, výskumu a športu Slovenskej republiky. Spojená škola v Detve February 10 at AM ·.
Naši žiaci zatiaľ začínajú menšími súčiastkami 3 D printers are already modeling complete houses. Meanwhile, our students are starting with smaller parts Translated. Spojená škola v Detve February 8 at AM ·. Vyskúšaj systém duálneho vzdelávania v Spojenej škole v Detve Try the dual education system in the United School in Detva Translated.
Čakajú novučičké v sklade na žiakov. Už len nech sa vrátia do školy Students of Secondary School receive complete work clothes and shoes free of charge. Students in the dual education system are provided by the company for which they are preparing.
They are waiting for new ones in the warehouse for pupils. Just let them go back to school Dear ninth graders, we believe that it is difficult to navigate the middle school network these days, especially when you cannot physically visit them. Therefore, we have prepared regular meetings with school teachers for you, which will live every Friday from The first meeting will take place on Friday February It will be enough if you click on the below link. In case you don't like your appointment for any reason, we're willing to take care of you also on another date, by agreement via email: sekretariat sssdetva.
We're looking forward to meeting you! určite lepšie ako anonymná zoznamka a nekonečné vypisovanie si osobný kontakt najviac napovie : a v krátkom čase máte možnosť spoznať viac rôznych ľudí v príjemnej atmosfére. Príjemná atmosféra, akcia pripravená veľmi ľudsky a profesionálne. Ďakujem a držím vám do budúcna palce.
Nezmeškajte akciu vo vašom meste! Možno bude osudová Zadajte váš najlepší email Mesto na randenie Bratislava Banská Bystrica Košice Nitra Trenčín Žilina Pohlavie Muž Žena Napr. Odoslať Message. Odoslať First Name.
RÝCHLE RANDE LÁSKATU. Zoznámenie tvárou v tvár. Zahoď mobil, nahoď úsmev. U nás sa randí ako kedysi.