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O erupciách sopiek by sme mohli pokračovať donekonečna. Ale ani tie neberú obyvateľom Islandu optimizmus a úsmev z tvárí. Islanďania patria k národu s najdlhšou priemernou dĺžkou života nielen v Európe. Sú spolu s Japonskom na čele tejto štatistiky, takisto ako v štatistikách o najvyššej životnej úrovni. Je to vidieť v ich spokojnom výraze, keď s nimi sedíme v horúcich termálnych bazénoch, ktoré tak milujú a pravidelne navštevujú.

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Posedenie v geotermálnom bazéne je spoločenská záležitosť. Je to miesto stretnutia sa s priateľmi, známymi, alebo aj s obchodnými partnermi. Termálny bazén je v každej väčšej dedinke alebo mestečku. Najznámejším geotermálnym kúpaliskom. Island je rozhodne veľmi zaujímavá krajina hodná navštívenia. Ľadovce a divoké rieky s vodopádmi, kamenné pustiny striedajúce sa z čiernou sopečnou púšťou, farebné dúhové hory na horizonte a nad tým všetkým — niekedy v noci keď už mrzne — polárna žiara.

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A mysterious island lost in the Atlantic Ocean, hanging under the Arctic Circle, emblazoned with lots of myths, legends and Nordic sagas. Island, which seems not to belong on our planet. a mysterious island under the Arctic Circle The old chronicles say that the first island inhabitants were Irish monks searching for a place for their meditations and a way to God in the 7th century. Then the other settlers came; predominantly from Norway. The whole family clans sailed on their Viking rowing boats across the Atlantic Ocean to find their new home. But the life was not simple there. Subsequent famines killed those few.

Icelanders have always been linked with the sea and sailing. na Islande, ktorého sláva prekročila brehy ostrova, je geotermálne kúpalisko Modrá Lagúna na polostrove Reykjanes. Obrovský prírodný bazén naplnený modrou geotermálnou vodou s liečivým bahnom na dne, umelými vodopádmi, toboganmi a parnými aj suchými saunami na brehu, je miestom oddychu a relaxu počas škaredého daždivého islandského počasia.

Obyvatelia Islandu sú veľmi vzdelaný národ.

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Každý piaty má vysokú školu, v prepočte tu vychádza najviac kníh na jedného obyvateľa. Každý obyvateľ ostrova prečíta ročne v priemere štyri knihy, v čom Islanďanov neprekoná nikto. Kriminalita je na nízkej úrovni, donedávna dokonca Islanďania vraj ani nezamykali dvere na bytoch. Na Islande sú dve väzenia, väčšina priestupkov sú krádeže a drogové previnenia.

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Icelandic way to well-being started after the Second World War. Plenty of geothermal and water power plants which provided Iceland with energy self-sufficiency were built in the country. Geothermal water is pipe-lined into the towns and villages and it is used for heating of houses and greenhouses.

The majority of fruits and vegetables are grown in greenhouses. Sheep, cattle and horse farming is also important. I have visited Iceland for several times and it has always been as charming as for the first time. The ideal period for visiting Iceland is July and August. Some services car rent, accommodation are significantly higher in the main season in comparison with low season. Icelanders are proud of the beauty of their country and nature protection is exemplary everywhere in Iceland.

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Perfectly built infrastructure, camping sites, information centers, tourist routes. Reykjavík — the northernmost capital town on the Earth is certainly worth visiting. Even though at the beginning it might give the impression of a sleepy fishing town, the contrary is true. It combines a typical northern atmosphere with an inner restlessness. Hallsgrímkirkja — the highest cathedral in Iceland built on a small hill in the center of the town with a 74 meters high tower as its dominating feature. Interior church deco-. rations are as simple as a typical Icelandic style is.

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A meter-high organ consisting of fluepipes dominates the interior. We did not miss a fantastic view from the cathedral tower where we had been comfortably taken by a lift.

We could not only see the capital town, a port and the sea but also wide surroundings and mountains which were the objective of our expedition. First we could not miss the building of Parliament — Althingshusíd built from the grey basalt, the residence of the President and government — Stjórnarriádid and the National theatre built in the year the only one in Iceland. Another jewel of Reykjavík is the building of local water tank Perlan built on the small hill above the town. A panoramic observation terrace, restaurant, museum of the Nordic sagas and also water reservoir for the capital town are all located in this architecturally interesting building.

In the season, a nearby harbor offers a possibility of regular ship cruises in order to observe whales, the so called whale safari. The shopping and pedestrian zone attracted us with its small shops and restaurants. In the evening — mainly during the weekends, the small cafes, pubs and clubs are full of people and Reykjavík changes into a cheerful metropolitan town. Approximately inhabitants live in Reykjavík nowadays; it is almost two thirds of the total number of Iceland inhabitants. Eyes of the whole world focused on this place as late as in the year when the Russian president Michail Gorbačov and the American president Ronald Reagan met there and negotiated about the end of the Cold War.

After the meeting, tourists started to discover this inconspicuous and forgotten island in the Atlantic Ocean and number of tourists is always increasing. And Iceland really has much to show as far as its natural beauties are concerned.

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We chose the most practical and probably also the cheapest way to travel the country — we rented a car. The main road no. Apart from the short road sections, the whole road is asphalted and one can see really much of the country. The road leads along many interesting natural beauties of Iceland and it passes through the second biggest town — Akureyri. We chose the route for more demanding travelers. The off-road car enabled us to visit mainly wide inland areas of Iceland that would be unreachable by a passenger car.

There are two inland roads — F25 and F35 going from north to south via wild and uninhabited inland of Iceland.

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Both of them are quite long and very challenging but it is certainly worth it. Sometimes it was necessary to wade through the Icelandic rivers what turned out to be a quite good adrenaline. Panorama around us was fantastic although it might seem to be desolate to someone else. Glaciers — remnants of the Ice Age which form almost one eighth of the island offered us an incredible experience. Glacial wings from the glaciers manage to get almost to the sea at some places. The biggest glacier Vatnajokull in the southeast of the island covers an area of km² and it has a thickness of meters at some parts.

Wild glacial rivers flow from the glaciers and then continue into uncountable number of waterfalls. Gulfoss — The Golden Waterfall on the river Hvíta is the biggest one. The most hydrous waterfall not only in Iceland but in the whole Europe is Detisfoss. Skógarfoss is one of the most beautiful waterfalls on the river Skogar.

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Noci o ničom nevedia, myslia si, že je ešte január a podľa toho aj tak vyzerajú. Myslím, že cestovatelia sú ľudia bez predsudkov. Predbežný termín kolaudácie bytov je Máj Hulk Virgin Islands. Okrem domácich návštevníkov prichá-. Zo strhujúcej telenovely vám neunikne ani sekunda.

The river Thjorsá with its kilo-. meters is the longest and Thingvallavatn lake 83 km² is the largest. The lake Mývatn The Mosquito lake in the north of Iceland is very interesting; but as far as beauty is concerned the glacial lagoon Jokulsarlón in the southeast of the island will certainly lead. Glacial wings flow into blue-green glacial water. Then after approximately m they are taken into the sea by the smallest river of Iceland.

Pieces of ice get broken in the waves. Pulverized pieces of ice are thrown out on black coastal sand by waves where they remain lying resembling the ground diamonds of different shapes. Visit of this lake is always one of the strongest Icelandic experiences for me. Visiting the colorful rhyolite Rainbow mountains — Landmanalaugar has also been unforgettable for me. They are colored. Large inland plateaus alternating with black volcanic deserts and glaciers have also their charm. A black rocky inland desert located nearby the Askja volcano resembled the conditions on a foreign planet so much that the American astronauts practiced preparations for their landing on the Moon in , there.

I cannot forget to mention the remnants of volcanic activity. There are geothermal areas with hot geothermal springs, sulfuric mud volcanoes and well springs, steam fumaroles bursting hot sulfuric steam as high as several dozens of meters. A number of craters mainly full of water and also many pseudo craters were formed due to volcanic activity. A place that provided a name for all geysers in the world is located in Iceland. Village Geysir is known for its two geysers.

The bigger Geysir used to hurl water up to.

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Its younger brother — Strokkur — did not disappoint us; neither the omnipresent all over the world tourists taking their photos. A big attraction for us and other tourists are volcanoes, of course. There are more than volcanoes in Iceland. Some of them prepared really hot moments for the Icelanders. The most famous Icelandic volcano Hekla erupted 18 times in the last years and it always caused suffering and pain for Icelandic people.

It is justly called the Gateway to Hell by the old Icelanders. Last time it erupted in February Fortunately, these eruptions were weaker and. caused considerably less damage than those in The Middle Ages. The last huge ravage of Icelandic nature was eruption of volcano situated under the biggest Icelandic glacier Vatnasjokullom in A huge mass of water from the melt glacier rolled over across the island and caused the biggest floods in its history.