Zoznamovacia oblasť v Žiar nad Hronom Slovensko

In , Hungarian name Barsszentkereszt is used, but the same changes at the turn of the 19th and 20th century into Garamszentkereszt translates to: The Holy Cross upon Hron. After the formation of the First Czechoslovak Republic , the settlmenet was known as Svätý Kríž nad Hronom in Slovak, copying the earlier Hungarian name. Although, historically synonymous with the settlement, the name Kerestúr was used by Zemplínska Teplica in the early 20th century.

In May , when aluminium manufacturing and metallurgy began to flourish in the settlement, it impacted the life and the name of the city. In combination with the anti-religious sentiment of the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic , the name was changed to the current version Žiar nad Hronom , which translates to glare upon Hron. It is located in the Žiar Basin , on the Hron river, around 40 km from Banská Bystrica and  km from Bratislava. In addition to the main settlement, the city includes two annexed neighbourhoods: ghost village of Horné Opatovce since and a Šášovské Podhradie, south-east of the city, annexed in The city is the administrative seat of Žiar nad Hronom District.

Jarmok Žiar nad Hronom 2010

Average year temperature is 8 °C, with frequent rainfall. Celtic tribes had lived in the area, as documented by sizable archeologic discoveries dating to 6th century. Following the 10th century , the local population was mostly Slavic and the Celtic culture and settlement had receded. The first written record is dated to , when a charter, issued by Hungarian king Géza I of Hungary , had established the Benedictine Abbey of Hronský Beňadik. On 4 February the landowner and the Archbishop of Esztergom , Stephen I Báncsa , had elevated the status of the settlement, submitting surrounding villages to the dominion and granting the citizens further rights.

The settlement was submitted to the Šášov Castle.

Kontaktné informácie

Možnosti internetu potom urobili zo zoznámenia naslepo hotovú džungľu, kde sa každý môže stať kýmkoľvek sa mu zachce. Lo que enlaza aquí Cambios en enlazadas Subir archivo Páginas especiales Enlace permanente Información de la página Citar esta página Elemento de Wikidata. Aluminium processing plant in Žiar nad Hronom. Žiar nad Hronom Ciudad Planta de procesado de aluminio en Žiar nad Hronom. Datos: Q Multimedia: Žiar nad Hronom. Although, historically synonymous with the settlement, the name Kerestúr was used by Zemplínska Teplica in the early 20th century. It usually take place in August.

In the same period, the village had developed into a small town and became known as an administrative and cultural core of the region, due to the growth of commerce and the rise of trade guilds. The following period, until the 16th century , saw the flourishment of guilds , like that of tailors or shoemakers. A chateau manor house was erected and became the town's landmark in , building on a preceding structure, on the orders of Péter Cardinal Pázmány. Later, it became a summer residence for the Archbishop of Esztergom. The manor had undergone multiple renovations due to various unrests and uprisings.

One such uprising in the area was a late sequel of Anti-Habsburg rebellions , which lasted until Following the suppression of the uprising Habsburg army had remained in the area to protect from the advancing Ottoman troops , which had worried the local population. The Ottomans, eventually, had failed to conquer Banská Štiavnica some 25 kilometers south. Even later 17th century was not easy for the local population, as the region had suffered from continued armed conflicts and plague, originating in Italy. During the conflicts the town and the Šášov castle, a hub of the rebels, were besieged and conquered.

The area was badly struck by the events and it had recovered for a long time, as its economy had to be renewed. The town received the right to host fairs in After the establishment of Diocese of Banská Bystrica and following a renovation, the chateu became the seat of the Bishop and a representative building.

Žiar nad Hronom - Wikipedia

Štefan Moyses had resided here in the 19th century. The city becomes a seat of a District in The district was split between districts based in Kremnica and Nová Baňa. This was caused by the administrative reorganisation of the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic. The city had regained the status of the district seat in the and retained it after Slovak independence in The cities importance declined after , when cities of Žarnovica and Nová Baňa and nearby villages, which were previously a part of the District , became the seats of two independent administrative districts.

During World War II the city was occupied by the German Army until , when it was liberated by the advancing Red Army. The city and the surrounded areas were known hubs for partisan fighters of the Slovak National Uprising. Major socio-economic growth in the city began with the development of an aluminium plant, which was established in , under the name Slovak National Uprising Works Závody Slovenského národného povstania. This had caused a boom of employment opportunities in the city.

Industrial development had essentially completed the transformation of the village or a small town into a city, as it encouraged construction of schools and housing, in form of standardised apartment blocks, as well as individual construction. Overall, the city became largely self-sufficient.

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Between and the city had annexed nearby villages of Lutila and Ladomerská Vieska , which are now independent. Šášovské Podhradie and a ghost village of Horné Opatovce , annexed in the same period, remain a part of the city to this day. The population of the city grew until and dropped below 20, in , not exceeding the mark since. According to the census , the town had 19, inhabitants. In census, had shown a population of 19 citizens. The census was first national census with this option. In the same year, Only one person identified as a Jew , despite city's significant Jewish population before the war.

The main employer is company Nemak Slovakia, member of Nemak Group , worldwide largest producer of aluminum powertrain parts for vehicles and the metallurgy factory company Slovalco , formerly called Závody Slovenského národného povstania " Slovak National Uprising Works" , built in the s. Hospital in Žiar nad Hronom is a part of the network of regional hospitals - Svet zdravia, a. s, which is owned by Penta Investments. The village of Horné Opatovce had been through a turbulent period after the construction of aluminium plant in Žiar nad Hronom.

The plant was in the immediate proximity of the village. When the production had commenced, technological standards and processes were insufficient to sustain the life in the settlement. Fauna had begun to disappear from the area and the public health had deteriorated. The village was repeatedly covered by fine ashes from the nearby plant chimneys. The government had decided to abolish the village by decree in Majority of the original population had resettled to then-expanding town of Žiar nad Hronom, as well as nearby village of Hliník nad Hronom , or other major cities across the country.

Natives and their relatives meet annually in the St. Lawrence Church in the village and commemorate their village of origin. Žiarsky jarmok translates to 'Fair of Žiar nad Hronom' is annual event hosted in October. It is a continuation of a historic tradition of trading fairs hosted by towns and cities across the country, where craftsman, artisans and other smiths met and traded their works.

Menú de navegación

The Fair was one of the better-known fairs across Slovakia. Contemporarily, it is popular for its entertainment, rides, musical performances, traditional food or game stalls. During the ball season in Slovakia the season usually lasts between the Epiphany , lasting until Ash Wednesday , the municipality organises a City ball.

It serves as an opportunity for socialisation of citizens, as well as persons of domestic and foreign cultural, social and professional lives. So šarmom a roztomilosťou slávneho filmového Kristiána vyráža na schôdzky s klientkami. Vyzbrojený informáciami z ich dotazníkov vystupuje ako muž ich snov. Po niekoľkých naplnených schôdzkach však bez stopy zmizne.

Žiar nad Hronom

Pravda je taká, že on manželku nehľadá, on už doma jednu má. A tá má zas kamarátku a tá hľadá na zoznamke a tú Jiří Langmajer aj zvedie. Sľučka okolo záletníka sa začína sťahovať a vo vzduchu visí spoločný ženský sľub, že pomsta bude sladká…. Odpradávna existovali dohadzovači a sprostredkovatelia sobášov. S rozvojom tlače nastúpili zoznamovacie inzeráty, neskôr si obľubu získali televízne zoznamovacie relácie. Možnosti internetu potom urobili zo zoznámenia naslepo hotovú džungľu, kde sa každý môže stať kýmkoľvek sa mu zachce.

Komédia Zozn mka sa sčasti natáčala aj na Kanárskych ostrovoch a hudbu do filmu zložil Vašo Patejdl a Petr Janda.

Originálny názov: Sezn mka Žáner: komédia Rok: Krajina pôvodu: ČR Réžia: Zita Marinovová Hrajú:  Jiří Langmajer, Adéla Gondíková, Zuzana Kajnarová, Marie Doležalová, Šárka Vaculíková, Ladislav Hampl, Petr Vondráček, Lukáš Pavlásek, Mira Nosek, Martin Kraus, Jaroslava Obermaierová, Iva Kubelková a i. Hudba:  Vašo Patejdl Sedem zhavrenelých bratov, Fontána pre Zuzannu 1 - 3 a Petr Janda. Oficiálna stránka filmu: Zozn mka , česky Sezn mka. Predstavitelia mesta. Pon - Uto nestránkový deň Str - Štv nestránkový deň Pia - sk, Viac kontaktov webmaster ziar.

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