O speed datingu v Stará Turá Slovensko

Stara Tura, Slovakia to -04 04

So today the observation tower, made of stone and oak, stands on Veľký Lopeník tall and impressive. In the neighborhood of Bošácka distilleries, where the best slivovica plum brandy in Slovakia is being distilled, there is an open-air museum - the original farm house. The museum consists of fully furnished residential part, living and working area, barn, cellar and outdoor kitchen.

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The exhibition also includes rare costumes that are decorated with hand-sewn embroidery. In the village of Grúň, a local part of Nova Bošáca, stands a memorial with a statue and common grave of fallen Soviet soldiers.

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Time Difference. CET (Central European Time) is 4 hours ahead of am in Stara Tura, Slovakia is pm in Stara Tura to call time Time Difference. CET (Central European Time) is 12 hours ahead of Samoa Standard Time pm in Stara Tura, Slovakia is am in SST

The monument was unveiled in and is now a national monument. Featuring a garden, Rekreacne zariadenie HRUBA STRANA obec Bzince pod Javorinou is set in Bzince pod Javorinou and also provides barbecue facilities and a terrace. We are glad you decided to know the charm and history of the cottage, which belongs to one of the oldest mountain chalets in Slovakia. We are long-term breeders of miniature farm animals such as mini-cats, mini-goats, miniature donkeys, small ducks and chickens.

On the other hand, we also contrast maxi versions such as the largest rabbits in the world, maxi piglets and the largest chickens. Also interesting are exotic animals such as ostriches, llamas, kangaroos or mini kittens. Horses and donkeys, in turn, carry children on their backs. In addition to getting to know the animals, children can also play on atypical playgrounds - water, forest or straw.

And best of all - rest for parents with good coffee guaranteed. We are looking forward to you! Visit the Haluzická strait, which, despite people's efforts, refuses to stop growing. It changes and enlarges every year and offers beautiful waterfalls and beautiful surrounding nature.

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Northwest of Nové Mesto nad Váhom we can find the Bošácka dolina valley, part of the Biele Karpaty  White Carpathians  ridge. There on a hill stands its silent guardian — a fortified small Romanesque church in Haluzice. Hájnica hill standing above the village of Haluzice is a resting place for those seeking relaxation in the heart of nature — just climb up Hájnica observation tower and enjoy views of the surrounding villages and their architectural gems — the Romanesque church in Haluzice or the Baroque church in Bošáca.

The wooden observation tower is surrounded by huge hills, majestic castles Beckov, Tematín and Trenčiansky castle and beautiful canyons and valleys. There she stands with grace and enjoys her precious castle neighbors. The scent of wildflowers, sunrays, and the sound of bells coming from the village church create a unique atmosphere. The frontier mountain Veľká Javorina in the Biele Karpaty mountain range has been the traditional place of meetings of the Czechs, the Moravians and the Slovaks since The Memorial of Solidarity of the Czechs, the Moravians and the Slovaks symbolizes the tight links of the two nations-brothers.

Classical motorway with a tradition on Main Street in Drietoma , on the way to the border with the Czech Republic. Excellent access, parking , terrace.

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  4. Stara Tura, Slovakia to 04 - Savvy Time.
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  6. The observation tower Veľký Lopeník!

The castle stands on a steep 50 m tall rock in the village Beckov. The dominance of the rock and impression of invincibility it gaves, challenged our ancestors to make use of these assets. The result is a remarkable harmony between the natural setting and architecture. The AS Trenčín Sport Center in Trenčianske Stankovce is a multifunctional center combining the possibilities of sports, especially football, with the possibility of quality accommodation and boarding in Považský Inovca.

The modern and comfortable congress hotel is located in the center of Stará Turá, 60 minutes by car from Bratislava, just 15 km from Nové Mesto nad Váhom, which is located on the main highway Bratislava - Žilina. We are a family brewery with a distillery for honest brewery craftsmen who cares first and foremost for the quality of raw materials and customer satisfaction.

The relax and recreation resort at Zelená voda  Green Water  is located approximately 2 km off Nové Mesto nad Váhom.

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It is an ideal summer vacation place with a very good access from the motorway. Golfový a športový klub sa nachádza v širšom centre krajského mesta Trenčín, na ľavom brehu rieky Váh. Zelená oáza prekvapí výhľadom na Trenčiansky hrad, ľahkou dostupnosťou a priateľským prostredím. The National Cultural Monument Dom of the Urban and Granary was proclaimed in It is made up of several monumental objects: House of Wards. The Renaissance house was built in the middle of the 14th century. The pedestrian corner stone building with a single-story double-layout, two-storey with attic and three basement floors has a L-shaped ground plan.

The first alternative tea room , where, along with the world's best organic teas , you'll also find great , mostly rock music , fantastic mixed tea drinks alcohol and non-alcohol that you will not find anywhere else, bubble tea and the best water pipes in the neighborhood. Neodmysliteľnou súčasťou mesta Trenčín bola v minulosti prítomnosť židovskej komunity.

Pripomína nám ju trenčianska synagóga, ktorá patrí k najkrajším a najzaujímavejším dielam svojho druhu na Slovensku. If you prefer outdoor activities , you like camping , you can enjoy water sports , canoeing , canoeing , you like camping, and there is a car on the island for you.

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Baroque treasures of history At the main square in Mierovo in Trenčín, under the castle Matúš Čačka stands firmly on its historical bases Roman Catholic Church of Sts. František Xaverský. Originally Jesuit, from he became piarist.

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If you like fast and light lunches or you want to relax and enjoy something untraditional , you like healthy and fresh food , visit Mak palacinkarna - right in the heart of Trenčín, in Mierovo Square. Small, unconventional operation, clean, minimalist design , enthusiasm and positive energy. From the chapel of the chapel and the armory It was built in the second quarter Century near the parish church as a bone. Karner is, in addition to the castle, the only preserved Gothic monument in Trenčín. Lanius is a brewery with a restaurant in a historic moscow house in Mierovo Square in Trencin.

The house has a long history dating back to Despite the fact that it has since undergone various modifications and reconstructions, it has preserved its original medieval disposition with a large number of historical artifacts and original stone fireplaces. The name of the restaurant and the brewery bears the name of the first owner of this house. The Lanius Brewery is a type of brewery known in the world as "craft brewery". This means "craftsmanship" in the translation, which describes the manual work associated with beer preparation, such as cooking itself, manual flasking, or manual sticking of labels.

Jump to the "coffee break" in the cozy Coffee Sheep café, located right in the city center. This café is exceptional because, as the first one in Trenčín, it also has its own pražiareň. After visiting the Trenčín Castle, you can stop at Pod hradem Restaurant and enjoy fine seasonal specialties. Imagine a coffee that captures the love of Sládkovič to Marín. Change your idea to reality and stop at the Sládkovič Café in Mierovo Square in Trenčín, in a pleasant, thematically laid-back environment. Spaces that are traditional and original at the same time will perfectly suck you into the days of Slovak dealers and writers.

TARZANIA Trenčín sa nachádza na Brezine, v tesnej blízkosti asfaltovej cesty smerom od hotela Brezina k Čerešňovému sadu.

Autom sa k nám dostanete od Štefánikovej ulice po Kukučínovej ulici. Postavená je na stromoch v nádhernom lesoparku a pozostáva z dvoch trás vybudovaných pomocou 22 plošín vo výške približne 5 až 10 m nad zemou. In Trenčín I made my first hockey steps, taught the first handles and shot goals.

I am grateful to have this opportunity and thanked for what I have given hockey, I also wanted to help other boys and girls to have the conditions to fulfill their sports dreams. A view from the high wooden observation tower on Malý Jelenec is indeed fascinating. The tower is partially surrounded by trees and offers a fascinating view of the enchanting scenery - Strážov mountains and Vršatecké rocks with beautiful mountain dominants cannot be outdone.

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