The units are especially designed to meet the rigid energy requirements with low energy use and high-efficiency heat exchanger. Topvex SC is transportable thru a mm opening, the two smallest sizes 03 and 04 thru an mm opening. Large inspection doors and removable main components facilitate inspection and maintenance. Supply and extract bag filters with their large filter area, ensures long time between filter change as well as low pressure drop. The separate electrical cabinet with all cable connections collected at one place facilitates commissioning and service.
To simplify the installation and commissioning of the unit control system are included and pre-configured. Topvex SC has a user friendly control system.
With clear text 21 languages eligible and a logical menu structure it is quick to learn. A startup wizard secures that necessary settings will not be forgotten. Topvex SC has also other energy saving functions like free cooling, cool recovering, and season related temperatures and airflow controlling. E tool© is a PC-based configuration software with graphical user interface. The program gives you an excellent overview of the Corrigo E settings. Using E tool©, all settings can be made on the computer and downloaded into the controller. An infinite number of configurations can be stored in the computer memory for later use.
E tool© can be downloaded free of charge from: www. The functions and functionality in Topvex SC gives you all that are needed to create an indoor environment with the highest comfort and to the lowest operating costs. Save the global environment by using Topvex SC. Proizvodi Air handling units Compact AHU Horizontal units Topvex SC - with double by-pass damper Topvex SC04 EL-L-CAV.
Preuzmite PDF. Vir - besedilo: Nacionalni program varstva okolja, Ur. data field. Definicija: A field that contains the result of a query to an external data source. campo de datos. champ de données. campo dati. podatkovno polje. field name. Definicija: The name of a category of information in a mail-merge data source. For example, "City," "State," and "PostalCode" are commonly used field names in an address list. nombre de campo. nom de champ. nome campo. Področje:: tehnologija.
flow field. Definicija: The velocity and the density of a fluid as functions of position and time. campo de flujo. champ d'un écoulement. campo di moto. tokovno polje. Definicija: Hitrost in gostota tekočine kot funkcija pozicije in časa. form field. Definicija: A data-entry field on a page. A site visitor supplies information in a field either by typing text or by selecting a field. campo de formulario. champ de formulaire. campo modulo. Področje:: varnost. field data. podatki s terena. Vir - ustanova: Ministrstvo za obrambo.
Področje:: finance. Definicija: The audit process includes field work that consists of: collecting, analysing and evaluating evidence. Vir - ustanova: Računsko sodišče Republike Slovenije. pridobivanje revizijskih dokazov. Definicija: Revizijski proces vključuje dejavnost "pridobivanje revizijskih dokazov", ki zajema pridobivanje, analiziranje in vrednotenje revizijskih dokazov. open field. Sobesedilo: open field, at standard meteorologic height 1,50 m. na prostem. marca o spremembi Uredbe ES št. Sobesedilo: na prostem, na standardni meteorološki višini 1,50 m.
field type. Definicija: The name that identifies the action or effect the field has in the document.
Examples of field types are AUTHOR, COMMENTS, and DATE. tipo de campo. type de champ. tipo di campo. field trial. Vir - besedilo: Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety to the Convention on Biological Diversity,.
poljski poskus. Vir - besedilo: Kartagenski protokol o biološki varnosti h Konvenciji o biološki raznovrstnosti, Ur. sport field. Vir - besedilo: Bookshelf CD, Vir - besedilo: Rules on designing public buildings and facilities without architectural barriers. športno igrišče. Vir - besedilo: Pravilnik o projektiranju objektov v javni rabi brez grajenih ovir MOP - interno delovno gradivo. Področje:: biologija.
field mouse. wood mouse. Apodemus sylvaticus. gozdna miš. poljska miš. total field. Definicija: A field that summarizes data from the underlying record source. A total field might use a summary function, such as Sum or Count, or use an expression to calculate summary values.
campo de total. champ de total. common maple. field maple. Acer campestre. poljski javor. stage field. zbirno letališče. merge field. Definicija: A placeholder for text or pictures that you insert into your document.
campo de combinación. champ de fusion. campo unione. spojno polje. field point. Vir - besedilo: Report on the Elimination and Prevention of Administrative Barriers in točka na terenu. Vir - besedilo: Poročilo o odpravljenih in preprečenih administrativnih ovirah v letu field value.
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